Jump Through A Hoop


  • Jumping is not good for some dogs so make sure you be careful and also have a good landing area
  • If you are worried or unsure if you will cause harm to your dog, talk to you vet
  • If you would not like your dog to be jumping through it, you can hold it low/ on the ground for them to walk through.

In preparation:

  • Choose a verbal command that you will use such as ‘Jump’
  • Choose a visual command that you will use such as: holding your arm out in the direction you want your dog to jump through
  • Get a hula hoop or hurdles etc. that you can use. If you are using a hula hoop, have it nearby ready to hold up for your dog.
  • Prepare some treats that your dog enjoys and put them in a treat pouch so you have free hands

Training Method:

  1. Hold up your hula hoop low on the ground so your dog doesn’t have to jump through it
  2. Give the verbal cue and lead your dog through the hoop with a treat
  3. Once they go through it, reward your them
  4. Do this a few more times and then raise the hoop higher
  5. Lead your dog through it with treats whilst giving the verbal cue
  6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until your dog is jumping through the hoop. You should be gradually leading your dog with treats less and start giving a visual cue with the verbal cue.

If your dog does not go through the hoop and walks around it, then hold the hoop up against a wall with you at the other end.

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