Welcome to the Practice Paws Training Notes!

Welcome to our new ‘Training Notes’!! This is a new part of our website that is basically a ‘mini blog’. Here’s a little about what this will include and what to expect:

What is ‘Training Notes’?

We have created this Training Notes section of our website for when we have some quick training recommendations, tips, ideas and notes! Occasionally you might be training and think ‘I should remember to do that’ or ‘That was a great idea!’ and so the Training Notes page is where we will share these moments!

A lot of the posts that we will be publishing here will be similar to our blog! However, these posts are shorter form ideas that wouldn’t really fit into our usual blog post! On our blog we try to share the most helpful information possible in long formats so that we can really dive into and explain topics (Regarding quality over quantity of course). The posts here on our Training Notes will still be super helpful (or at least we’ll try our very best to make them be) but in shorter formats for a quick read!

What to expect?

We aim to make the info on our website as understandable as possible, of course our Training Notes will follow along with this but there will be a small format change. The Training Notes will be in a more ‘casual’ format! Some of the posts will be in our founders perspective meaning they will mainly focus on her experience in training.

We hope you can get some good use out of our Training Notes! Feel free to send feedback at any time on our contact page!!