The Scent Work Series

September 2023

Follow along with our Founder’s journey in scent-work! Read about how we start off and how the training progresses

Welcome to Our Scent Work Series!

What is this about?

Hello, I’m Juliette and the founder of Practice Paws. This Scent Work series is all about my journey in Scent Work with one of my dogs. This will be formatted like our blog, however will only continue for about a month. Each week a two new posts will be released discussing my tips and experiences in scent work and how the training session went. A post will cover about 1 to 2 training sessions…

As I am no expert in this area, please do not use this series as a full on guide or tutorial to scent work. Instead, see this as something you can follow along with in your own scent work journey or just to find out my top suggestions when training in this area. This series is for anyone who wants to learn more about scent work with me whether you have a dog or not!

What to Expect

Each post covers about 1 to 2 training sessions including what went well and what went wrong. At the end of each post I include a section ‘What I plan to do next time’ which discusses my plans for the next session.
I won’t discuss every detail but instead an overview of the training session plus the good and bad parts.

For those of you who want to get into Scent Work themselves, I will include a links post with the resources I used in each post e.g. articles, videos, online shops etc.
Along with this, at the end of this series there will be an ‘Overall Guide To Scentwork’ post. Being an overall actual guide to Scent Work (Which will probably be posted on the blog too) with my best tips and “what not to do’s” from experience.

Post Release Dates

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The Scent Work Series; Posts

Posts will be displayed here once released!

Initial Research, Planning and Goals

Juliette Mylius | 26 July 2023 To start in my Scent Work training, the first thing I did was research. Lots and LOTS of it. I read articles, watched videos, and looked at different products people use. In this first post of The Scent Work Series, I will be explaining my first steps to begin… Continue reading Initial Research, Planning and Goals