Links and Resources I Have Used

Maybe you’re now looking to get into Scent Work yourself? Or possibly you want even more scent work info to read up on? Well this is the post for you! This Scent Work Series post will be a bit different and shorter as we share some helpful web resources, products and videos that we have used!

Web Pages

We recommend starting your scent work journey with some research! It is essential to understand what the sport is all about and how to do it! Here are some of our recommended web pages regarding scent work. The AKC website is a great place to start! They have very accurate and helpful information!

Web Page Title (page linked)
How to Teach Your Dog Scent Work at Home
AKC Scent Work Kit Supplies for Beginners
What Is Scent Training for Dogs and How Do I Get Started?
Preparing and Storing Nose Work Odors
Scent work – how to play along at home
How to Be Mindful With Your Odor

Online Products

Of course, we can’t forget about the equipment we have used in this scent work journey! As mentioned in a few previous SWS posts, here is a list of products we have used as well as ones that also look good!

Scent Work Essential OilsCallicoma Kelpies
SW TinsAmazon


Callicoma Kelpies
Glass JarsAmazon
Cotton budsAmazon

Pre made scent work kitK9 Pro


Leerburg (AKC SW Kit)

Leerburg (NACSW SW Kit)
Bags (To make a scent work kit)Amazon


Here are some videos that we recommend watching! Some you might watch all of and others you may just want to watch a little to a get some info out of. These videos are not ours and belong to other channels on YouTube… We strongly encourage the use of positive reinforcement!

Video Titles (videos linked)
Introducing AKC Scent Work + Training Session
Intro to Birch Scent – Training K9 Scentwork Nosework Sport Detection
How to Train Your Dog for AKC Scent Work (K9 Nose Work)
Creating A Scent Work Kit For My Dog!
Scent Work and Nose Work for Dogs at Home | Teaching Nose Work Lesson One
How to Train Your Dog for Scent Work (Nosework) in 3 Easy Steps
Scentwork 1: Equipment and Introducing the Scent
Doberman Barney Competes at AKC Scent Work Trial 6 Q’s 4 titles.

That’s it for todays post! We hope these links are helpful for you to get started in your own Scent Work journey!

The next post in this series will be out on Thursday (The 21st) where we get back into training talk and discuss sessions 4, 5 and 6! Then next Monday (The 25th) we will be posting session 7 and 8 of Training!

Feel free to give us some feedback on how you’re finding this series so far on our Instagram @practice_paws we would love to hear your feedback and of course also any recommendations if you are already training in Scent Work!