
The books below are sorted into alphabetical order (by author’s last name). They are on the subject about dogs. These will help if you need information about dogs.

What is my dog thinking? – Gwen Bailey
4/5 stars
This book is good if you want to know more about your dogs behavior.

Alpha Pups – Sophie Beer
3.5/5 stars
This book is more for younger children, it includes great pictures and dog breeds. Even though it is set to a younger age it is a fun book to have.

Rebel Dogs! Heroic Tales of Trusty Hounds – Kimberlie Hamilton
5/5 stars
This book contains information about dogs that have made a really great impact to people, communities, the world or history. It contains really interesting stories and wonderful pictures. This is a great book to read.

The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever – Larry Kay and Chris Perondi
5/5 stars
This book contains an amazing amount of step by step tricks to teach your dog. It has well written tips and instructions to help you along the way.

How To Speak Dog – Aline Alexander Newman & Gray Weitzman, D.V.M.
5/5 stars
This book is such a great read for dog lovers. It contains facts about dogs behavior, advice, quizzes and training tips. This book contains it all! This is a great dog novel to start with that will help you with a lot of general information.

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