
When feeding your dog or giving them treats it always comes to the questions ‘Can my dogs have this?’. The guide below helps you identify what kinds of ‘human food’ are okay for dogs. However, the most safe and healthy option for dogs is the food that is made for them. You can also buy different kinds of dog treats that are very tasty and dog friendly!

Dogs cannot have…

  • Chocolate – Especially dark chocolate
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Avocado
  • Chicken Bones
  • Onion
  • Nuts – (Macadamia)

The foods above are toxic to dogs and if your dogs swallows any of them, contact your vet immediately.

(Note that this isn’t a full list of toxic foods so always do research before feeding your dog something)

In moderation your dog can have…

  • Liver
  • Cheese – This is really good to use for training
  • Apple
  • Beef – (Sausages or Steak)
  • Watermelon – not the skin
  • Peanut Butter
  • Banana
  • Carrots
  • Ice Cubes

Too much of these foods can make your dog sick. Limit them to rewards and training treats only.

Everyday food for your dog is…

  • Dog food (you can get this from your local vet.)
  • Rice (Dogs may like you to add some flavours to this such as some raw egg. Brown rice is better for them)

These foods can be used regularly, however, make sure you are not overfeeding your dog.


Treat your dog on their birthday with some special birthday food. Mix in some of your dogs favourite foods to make a birthday treat.

We suggest doing something like meat, peas and cheese.