
Practice Paws Blog

Practice Paws wants to help all dog owners give their
pooches the best life. On our blog we give you information
in most areas of dog ownership. To help provide you with as much info as possible, we are posting on our blog roughly every fortnight.

Clicker Training: How To Use A Dog Training Clicker

What is clicker training? There is one sort of training method that we have rarely mentioned on the Practice Paws website, not to mention, it’s a big one in the dog training world. Yup, clicker training. But what is it? Well clicker training is basically an approach to positive reinforcement. And it all revolves around… Continue reading Clicker Training: How To Use A Dog Training Clicker

The Best Way To Structure Your Training Sessions

You may have wondered, what should be the most effective training method structure? And how can I best set out my dog training sessions? In this post we will really be diving into the actual topic of training session structure. If you are new to dog training, this could be a great short post for… Continue reading The Best Way To Structure Your Training Sessions

How to Solve Common Roadblocks in Agility Training

Agility training is so much fun, but it can become frustrating when you are running into the same problem again and again. You just want to fix it, but you don’t know how, so you just ignore it and keep running the course. Every single time your dog is getting more used to performing that… Continue reading How to Solve Common Roadblocks in Agility Training

Post of the Week!

Fun Activities to Make For your Pet

Check back here every Monday to see what random older post we’re displaying! You might not have found this on our blog yet!

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