
Practice Paws Blog

Practice Paws wants to help all dog owners give their
pooches the best life. On our blog we give you information
in most areas of dog ownership. To help provide you with as much info as possible, we are posting on our blog roughly every fortnight.

Our Overall Guide to Scent Work | The Scent Work Series

Welcome to the final post of The Scent Work Series! In this post, we will share our overall guide to get started in scent work also diving into problems we ran into in our SW journey and how to fix them! A big thanks to everyone who has been following along with this series and… Continue reading Our Overall Guide to Scent Work | The Scent Work Series

Our Homemade Dog Cake that Your Pooch will Love

You might be one of those owners who just really wants to make their dogs birthday special, and what better way to do that then make them a cake?! The most important thing about dog cakes is that they’re safe for your pooch to eat. We have developed our own flexible recipe that you can… Continue reading Our Homemade Dog Cake that Your Pooch will Love

10 Random Dog Facts That You Might Not Know

Have you ever wanted to know just a little bit more about dogs? Maybe you’re just a keen dog lover that wants to know more or maybe you want to be able to impress your family and friends. Well, this is the post for you. On our blog, we usually are writing to help dog… Continue reading 10 Random Dog Facts That You Might Not Know

Post of the Week!

Fun Activities to Make For your Pet

Check back here every Monday to see what random older post we’re displaying! You might not have found this on our blog yet!

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