How To Handle Hot Days With A Dog | Spring/Summer Special

Most Aussies have started Spring with high temperatures! So, for any more upcoming hot days, what can you give your dog to cool off? Well with this post, we’ve got you covered! We’ll be discussing our ‘dog friendly ice cube’ recipe, and fun ways to keep your pooch cool and safe in summer (this also includes spring!)!

Wondering where we’ve been?

As many of you may have noticed, we haven’t been very active on the blog for the past 3 months! That’s because we have been working on and releasing ‘The Scent Work Series’.

This series followed our founder and her dog getting started in Scent Work. There was 2 posts each week aswell as a total of 5 videos and 8 posters!

Our aim was to encourage more people to get started in a type of dog training and also show how fun training can be when using positive reinforcement!

If you want to check this out, you can find The Scent Work Series page under the Blog in our menu bar or with this link. You can also find a SWS playlist on our Youtube channel @practicepaws

Just like humans, dogs can get hot! That’s why it is important to make sure you’re watching your pooch in the summer months! Make sure they have access to inside with shade and are not outside in the heat all day, refilling their water and making sure its full is super important! They also might enjoy the fan and if you can offer it, a swim in a cold pool or the ocean!

But what if you’re looking for a fun and easy way to treat your pup in the summer heat? We recommend, some fun dog friendly frozen treats! But these are not any old treats, here is our instructions to 3 different kinds!

Type 1 – Ice cubes!!

  1. Grab any size ice cube mould (you could do a single big one or multiple small fun shapes)
  2. In the mould, put some dog friendly treats. These may be:
  3. Blueberries
  4. Chopped carrots.
  5. Their dog biscuits
  6. Chicken
  7. Dog treats
  8. Apple


  • Fill up the remaining room in the ice cube moulds with water.
  • Freeze for a few hours (times will differ depending on the size of your mould)
  • Let your dog enjoy!!

Type 2 – “Frozen Yoghurt” *for dogs*!!

  1. Grab any size (and shape) mould.
  2. In the mould, put some plain Greek yoghurt (that’s dog friendly)
  3. Add in a couple of treats on top, this could include:
  4. Blueberries
  5. Chopped carrots.
  6. Their dog biscuits
  7. Chicken
  8. Dog treats
  9. Apple


  • Freeze until frozen!
  • Let your pooch enjoy!

You could also use unsalted peanut butter instead of yoghurt!!

Type 3 – “Easy Ice Cream” *for dogs*!!

  1. In a blender, blend some plain Greek yoghurt (as much as you feel you need)
  2. Add in any of these ingredients (as much and as many of them as you think your dog will like!)
  3. Blueberries
  4. Chopped carrots.
  5. Their dog biscuits
  6. Chicken
  7. Dog treats
  8. Apple
  9. Put this mixture into a mould and freeze until frozen!
  10. Let your pup enjoy!

And that’s it for our hot day recipes! We hope you have fun making them and your pooch enjoys! Now onto activities, what can you set up for your dog on a summer day?

Well, here are our top suggestions!

  1. Let your dog go swimming in a pool or the ocean… – Make sure you are supervising your dog and that you know they can swim confidently! If in the ocean (or in a pool) you may want to consider a doggy life jacket!
  2. Do some fun activities inside like training, puzzle toys, scratches etc.
  3. If you don’t have a pool, you may like to invest in a paddling pool which you can fill up with water and watch your dog splash!

Even on hot days, there can be lots of fun things to do! Our list does include many water-based activities, but you can also do most of your pooches’ normal activities inside where it’s cool!

Spring/Summer Safety

Please note: We are not veterinarians and are not an expert in dog health and medical areas, these will just be some general ‘staying safe tips’ to reduce the risk of heat related medical emergencies and problems! Please always talk to your vet and ask if there is anything to stay aware of with your dog in hot months!

So, what should you do to keep your dog as comfortable, safe, and as happy as possible on those boiling days? Well, we highly recommend taking your dog on a walk late in the evening (or early in the morning) when it is cooler, and the sun is not shining so bright! Check the pavement/ concrete to ensure it is not too hot for your pet’s paws…

Make sure they always have access to shade inside to cool off! It may also be nice to turn on air conditioning or a fan for them! Also ensure they always have enough water (that is clean) for drinking!

That’s it for this post! We hope you and your pooch are surviving the current heat! If you’re looking for more dog owner tips then be sure to check out our blog! Or also head over to The Scent Work Series and have a look at what we were doing in August and September!

Stay tuned for more fun posts coming soon (we are regularly updating on our Insta @practice_paws)! Expect some agility A-frame content soon as well as a post discussing different types of dog sports!