Bringing Your Dog Home

When the time comes to get your dog, you must prepare to transport your dog to her future home. The easiest method to bring your dog home is probably by car. If you do not own a car, you could get a friend to drive you. 

Preparing Your Car

To prepare a car, you need a safe spot for your dog to be. Here are a few options as to where your dog/ puppy could be:

  • At your feet on the floor of the car so you can keep an eye on her whilst another family member drives – This would just be temporary whilst you figure out a safer and better travel method. (This one is recommended) 
  • On the seats of the car attached with a dog seatbelt 
  • In a crate (which might fit in the boot)
  • Another safe car travelling dog product

Once you have chosen the way that you would like to bring your dog home, it is a good idea to purchase or get ready some items that would be useful when travelling in a car with your dog.

These include:

  • Towels 
  • Toys (these may have been bought after reading the Essential Items chapter.)
  • Portable dog water bowl

Travelling Items:


For towels, you can just buy cheap ones. You can just place these on the floor of your car and where your dog is so that if she throws up, it does not get on your car. At first, when she is getting used to car rides, this is quite sensible.


Mainly used when playing, a toy may be a good item to bring on a car ride to give comfort to your dog. A certain toy might be very special to your dog and makes her really calm so bringing a toy (or stuffed toy) like this is a good idea.

Portable Dog Bowl:

Portable dog bowls can come in many ways. Two examples are: One where you unfold the waterproof material to make something like a dog drinking bowl and you pour water into it; and two, where you fill up a bottle with water and you can tip it to make water come out into a container.

Portable dog bowls are mainly useful for long car rides, you can use one of these if your dog gets thirsty.

Bringing Your Dog Home

Before you drive out to pick your dog up, make sure your car is set up. Towels should be placed on your dog’s spot and have a nice toy for your dog to cuddle with.

When you arrive to pick up your dog, let her get to know you first. Let your dog come to you instead of you walking towards her. Let her have a sniff and a play and then pick her up and carry your dog to the car.

Put your dog in the car carefully and you can get going. Make sure to keep an eye on your dog to check that she is okay in the car ride.

Arriving Home

When you arrive home, your dog will want to explore, sniff and probably mark their territory. Pick up your dog and carry her outside into your garden first, this will be an interesting place that your dog can sniff and where your dog will probably go to the toilet.

After a while outside, take your dog into the main area where she will be allowed. Let her explore there. Encourage her to look at her items such as toys, beds etc. Place out some food and water for your dog to have in case she is hungry or thirsty after the car ride.

After exploring the main area, your dog may just want to nap for a bit so let her do that. If you want, you can take your dog to see the other parts of the house where she won’t be often, but this is not too necessary as your dog will not be allowed in this space.

Keep an eye on your dog to check that she settles in.

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