10 Random Dog Facts That You Might Not Know

Have you ever wanted to know just a little bit more about dogs? Maybe you’re just a keen dog lover that wants to know more or maybe you want to be able to impress your family and friends. Well, this is the post for you. On our blog, we usually are writing to help dog owners with their pooch, however today, this post is aimed at all dog lovers!

  1. Dogs CAN see colours.

Some people believe that dogs can only see black and white. However, this is NOT true! Dogs can see colours, but their vision is a bit different to ours. Instead, they are red – green colour blind and see mainly in shades of yellow, blue, and grey.

2. Tail wagging doesn’t always mean a happy dog!

Lots of people interpret a tail wagging dog as happy, however, sometimes this isn’t the case. Wagging can also be a sign of a dog that’s submissive, scared, excited and of course, happy (plus more). This is why it’s important to always take other body language from the dog into consideration – not just the tail. And remember to always ask the owner if you can pat their dog first!

3. Dogs kick grass to mark their territory.

When your dog goes to the bathroom on the grass, they may kick their legs back and that’s totally normal! No, they’re not trying to destroy your lawn or dig a hole but mark their territory.

4. An adult dog has an average of 42 teeth!

Here’s some dog anatomy for you! Did you know that an adult dog has about 42 teeth? Also, dogs have 18 muscles in each of their ears.

5. Dogs dream

This surprisingly is commonly searched on google ‘do dogs dream?’ and yes, they do! Dogs dream just like us!

6. Dogs have extremely good scent and hearing.

You probably already know that dogs are sometimes known for their scent, but did you know that they also have exceptionally good hearing? Unless they are deaf, some dog’s ears can pick up noise’s miles away!

7. Yawning doesn’t always mean your dogs tired.

For us, we commonly yawn when we are tired. But for dogs, this isn’t always the case. Dogs also yawn to calm themselves down. When they are stressed, you may see them yawn, maybe also accompanied by some whale eyes. Yawning from dogs can also be tiredness though.

8. Dogs don’t like to be hugged.

A lot of the time you will see people hugging their dogs (or other dogs) and spreading the love. However, dogs don’t particularly like this. Most of the time, dogs don’t like to be cuddled where the person is over them and holding them. This can feel like they’re trapped, and they can become stressed. You might see them give whale eyes in these situations. Dogs will be quite happy just with some friendly pets and belly rubs.

  • However, this may differ between dogs…

9. Dalmatians are born white

You have probably wondered this at some point in your life. Were Dalmatians born with spots? Well, here’s your answer, no they’re not! Dalmatians are born white and develop their brown or black spots when they are a few months old!

10. A dog’s nose is like our fingerprints!

As you may know, human fingerprints are all different and they can be used as a method of identification. And that goes for dogs’ noses! Every dog noseprint is different! How cool is that?!


  • Please note that we have tried to make these as accurate as possible. If you find any wrong information, please contact us so that we can fix it.
  • We encourage you to research these facts and expand your dog knowledge!!

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